PDF Registration Forms
16th Annual Firehawk/Comp T/A Rally Attendance, Dinner & Dues Return Form
If you plan on attending this year’s 16th. Annual Firehawk/Comp T/A Rally and you are a current dues paying member, *please check your dues expiration date on the mailing label of your last newsletter or special mailing*. Please complete this form and return it to us ASAP but no later than 7-1-2010. Forms and payment should be mailed to: Wayne E. Thomas C/O FAOA P.O. Box 96 Uniontown, Pa. 15401. If you have any questions please E-mail us at . or . You may also call us at 724-437-6736 please leave a message and a return call number and we will return your call within 24 hrs. This will allow us to make sure that we have the correct number of spaces and seats at this year’s event.
____Yes, I plan on attending this year's 16th Annual Firehawk/Comp T/A Rally August 7th & 8th at Norwalk Raceway Park in Norwalk, Ohio. ___ No, I will not be attending. But, I would like purchase Raffle Tickets or Donate.
Name: __________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
Firehawk: Year _______ Build# ________ Comp T/A: Year __________ Build# _________
I will be attending Saturday ________, Sunday ________, or Both Days ________.
Lodging Information:
• I will be staying at the Great Wolf Lodge in Sandusky:_________ Other: _________
Saturday Evening Dinner Tickets:
Yes, I/We will be attending the Saturday Evening Dinner. The number in our group will be:
# of Adults______@ $32.50 if paying by Check/M-Order or **$34.00** if using PayPal per person
# of Children____Under 11 @ $20.00 if paying by Check/M-Order or **$21.50** if using PayPal per-child.
Price includes all taxes and tips. Deadline for the Dinner tickets is 7-1-2010 (No Cancellations after 7-10-2010) Dinner Tickets must be picked up at the FAOA registration tent before 3:00 PM or in the Lumber Jack Shanty at the Great Wolf Lodge between 5:30 & 6:00 pm, Saturday August 7th. PayPal Account:
Dinner Ticket Total Enclosed$_________
I want to purchase Raffle Tickets 1@$5.00_____3@ $10.00_____ "Limit 3 per dues paying member showing a car" (Showing multiple cars need multiple memberships)
Raffle Ticket Total Enclosed $_________
16th. Annual Firehawk/Comp T/A Registration Fee:
Since we lost over 75% of our major sponsors. We are forced to charge a registration fee in order to pay for the trophies, banquet room and other misc. expenses associated with our event once again this year. The registration charge for our part of the show will be $10.00 for each car. Please remember that this is two car shows in one and that the Ames part Ames of the car show also charges an entry fee.
FAOA/CTAOA Registration Fee: $________
I would like to donate the following Monies $________
If Your Membership Dues Expired Please Remit $20.00 per Year. $________ Check Your Mailing Label.
I would like to donate a Cash or Prize which is ______________________
Please use my cash donation as needed by the FAOA, or I would prefer it to be put towards_____________
Total Amount of Monies Enclosed: $________
Please send all forms & payments to: Wayne Thomas C/O FAOA, P.O. BOX 96 Uniontown, Pa. 15401